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Real estate agent Amsterdam
Indsiche Buurt

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Indische Buurt

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Looking for a real estate agent in Amsterdam's Indische buurt?

You want a real estate agent who not only knows the Amsterdam 'Indische buurt' through and through, but also knows how to deliver. Amsterdam At Home Makelaars guarantees this. On this page you will not only see our buying and selling performances, but also our unique working method and the reviews given by our customers.

Why Amsterdam at Home is the right real estate agent in Amsterdam the Indische buurt!

Our brokers stand for a proactive approach. We are a team of enthusiastic estate agents with a personal approach. We like to keep the lines short so that we can respond quickly. We also have our own data model. This provides a unique insight into developments in house prices in your neighbourhood. Thanks to this unique data model, we can advise you the best price to achieve the highest possible result. In addition, we have a Brexit strategy, specifically aimed at expats. The current influx of expats on the Amsterdam housing market is growing rapidly. We appeal to this group by using the right channels. Our large network of brokers, appraisers and construction experts can also make the difference between buying/selling or not. Finally, we specialise per neighbourhood. With our years of experience, we know what is going on in your favourite neighbourhood(s)".

The different channels used by Amsterdam AT home

To sell a house, we work internationally with Rightmove, the largest housing platform in the UK. Thanks to our own data model, we have insight into the latest developments in house prices in the Indian neighbourhood. Furthermore, we use a database with interested parties. We can inform them by e-mail about your house in Amsterdam, even before it is listed on Funda. We also use targeted social media campaigns to attract attention to your home. If that is not enough to sell your home, we make use of Qualis. This is an exclusive sales organisation to which 55 brokers in the higher segment are affiliated. We will do everything in our power to get your home to the public's attention!

About the Indian neighbourhood

Your real estate agent in the Indische buurt Amsterdam. The Indische buurt in Amsterdam is an up-and-coming multicultural harbour district. Here you will find trendy eating places in industrial buildings, many restaurants, supermarkets and bakeries. The neighbourhood is easily accessible by public transport, so that you can quickly travel to the centre or other parts of the city.

Recent transactions in Indische Buurt