Date: March 9, 2023

Q4 2022: House prices also falling in Amsterdam North

The decline started in Q3 continues in Q4. The average price for a square meter in Amsterdam North is at the same level as a year ago. And not only that. The average transaction price is also falling sharply. So is this the time for first-time buyers to purchase a home in Amsterdam Noord?

A comparison of prices within the Ring

The square meter prices of inside the Ring Road are still significantly higher than the prices outside the Ring Road. After all, for a square meter inside the Ring Road you quickly pay 40% more than outside the Ring Road. Looking at the average price of a home, we see from our data that an average home sells for 24.5% more. That living outside the Ring Road was cheaper is no secret. But differences of 40% per square meter offers opportunities for starters.

Number of transactions in Amsterdam North up from six months ago

Those were the heyday of the Amsterdam housing market for homeowners. The curious thing is that more homes are being sold again, but the turnaround time is also increasing. This shows that more and more homeowners are putting their homes up for sale. Do they see the falling house prices in Amsterdam as the time to sell their homes, or are the tightened laws and regulations regarding owning multiple homes doing their job?

A sharp decline in the percentage outbid

After all, where overbidding was the norm last year, this appears to have disappeared. Home seekers are aware of the position they are in. More and more homes are being put up for sale, providing opportunities for home buying. Whereas 111.3% of the asking price was paid for a house last quarter, the figure is now 104.9%.

As a real estate agent in Amsterdam, how do we experience the housing market in Amsterdam North?

As real estate agents, we feel exactly what the data shows. More home buying opportunities and more homes for sale. That causes homeowners to be satisfied faster. And with the upcoming tax return, we still see people with multiple homes scratching behind their ears. Renting out homes is proving less lucrative than previously thought, leading to selling one or more rental properties.

Looking to buy or sell a home?

As a real estate agent in Amsterdam, we know what's going on. Our neighborhood specialist Kaylee was born and raised in Amsterdam Noord. As real estate agent in Amsterdam North she knows everything about the different neighborhoods. Is there a house for sale in the Volewijck or Banne Buiksloot? Then Kaylee is aware of it and makes sure you are too. We take care of the entire buying or selling process.